Welcome to CIH
You deserve highly personalized medical care, root cause healing, and education to optimize your health and well-being.
We’re on a mission to create a community of healing so you not only get better, you learn to thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
💗How we’re different
Our staff and practitioners are driven by a mission to do things radically differently from typical healthcare.
CIH Care
Spend more time with and create meaningful relationships with our patients.
Use specialized testing to understand health on a deeper, root cause level.
Holistic healing that abandons the practice of symptom-obsession solved only by pharmaceuticals.
Recognizes the connections between our body, mind and spirit and their influence on our wellbeing.
Trusts the body's innate potential to heal itself.
Collaborate across modalities for patient care coordination.
Dedication to continued to learning and research to elevate your care.
Typical Healthcare
Quick appointments to "churn" through patients without taking time to get to know them.
Over-reliance on one-size-fits-all prescriptions.
Frustratingly ineffective approaches to chronic illnesses.
Masking symptoms instead of identifying root causes.
Dismissing everything outside western medicine.
🩺Conditions we can help with
Adrenal Health
Chronic stress
Chronic fatigue
“Adrenal Fatigue”
Energy crashes
Poor circulation
Hormone Health
Low testosterone
Brain Health
Brain Fog
Migraines and Headaches
Attention and Memory
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
TBI Recovery
Undiagnosed Conditions
We dig deeper than conventional healthcare to uncover and treat the root causes of “unexplained” chronic symptoms
Thyroid Health
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Grave’s Disease
Chronic fatigue
Digestive Issues
Acid Reflux
Cardiometabolic Health
Type 2 Diabetes
High Cholesterol
Metabolic Syndrome
Stubborn Weight
Autoimmune Conditions
Rheumatoid arthritis
Sjögren’s syndrome
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
📧Still have questions?
To speak to someone about the membership, send an email to membership@cihealth.org and we’ll be happy to help!