Heal chronic fatigue and feel re-energized for life.

Living with chronic fatigue, including post-viral fatigue (e.g. long-Covid), can hold you back - physically and emotionally - from being your best self.

We understand the frustration of being told that you just need to "get more rest" or “work on your stress levels.”

We take a different approach. We’ll work with you to explore the root causes of your chronic fatigue and develop a personalized treatment plan to optimize your mitochondrial function, adrenal function, and restore your energy.

Common fatigue symptoms

Fatigue can show up in different ways, from mental health, to malaise, to decreased physical capacity.

Here’s some of the most common fatigue-related conditions and symptoms we treat:

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Migraines

  • Chronic pain 

  • Brain fog

  • Exercise intolerance

  • Shortness of breath

How we treat low energy levels

  1. Explore the root cause - First, we get a complete picture of your fatigue. This involves learning about you and really listening to your history, specific symptoms, lifestyle, diet, etc.

  2. Specialized testing - We’ll dig deeper with advanced testing which may include comprehensive blood work, adrenal testing, micronutrient testing, Evoke EEG, and an organic acid test, and more. The results of these tests in combination with what we learned your symptoms and history will inform your personalized action plan.

  3. Your personalized action plan - We work with you to create a plan to boost your energy levels in the short term and address underlying symptoms of your fatigue so it doesn't return. This might include meeting with one of our functional nutritionists, specific supplements, IV nutritional therapy, lifestyle adjustments, sleep tips, and stress management. We may also refer you to a member of our specialized wellness team or an appropriate medical specialist. We work in partnership with you, checking in on how you are feeling to ensure we’re making progress in the right direction.