Holistic Mental Health

Kaleigh Robinson, NP is a Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse Practitioner at Capital Integrative and a Holistic Mental Health Specialist.

If you're struggling with:

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • ADHD

Kaleigh can dig into root causes, discuss practical lifestyle changes, recommend natural supplements, or prescribe mental health medications as a compliment to traditional therapy.

If you want to schedule an appointment with Kaleigh, give us a call today at 240-507-5110.

Here’s a short video of Dr. Wong talking about Kaleigh:

More Resources

If you’re looking for a traditional therapist, Diane Gilman is our partner and has been an incredible resource for many of our patients.

For practical meditation instruction and breathing techniques, check out our “choose your own adventure” calm guide here.