Optimize your brain health and prevent cognitive decline.

Whether you’re struggling with brain fog, anxiety, depression, recovering from a brain injury, or you’re looking to prevent or reverse cognitive decline, we’ve got you covered. We’ll take a close look at how your brain is functioning with advanced testing and give you a clear roadmap to optimal brain health.

Common symptoms and conditions

Brian health and cognition is fundamental to our lives, whether we’re solving difficult problems at work, trying to be more “in the moment”, or picking up a grandchild.

Here’s some of the most common brain health symptoms we treat:

  • Brain fog

  • Migraines and Headaches

  • Attention and Memory

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • ADHD 

  • PTSD

  • TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)

  • Alzheimer's disease/Dementia

  • Parkinson's disease

  • Mild cognitive impairment

How we optimize brain health

  1. Discover the root cause - First, we get a complete picture of your brain health. This involves learning about you and really listening to your history, symptoms, lifestyle, diet, etc.

  2. Specialized testing - We continue getting a full picture of your brain health with specialized testing. This might include comprehensive blood work, an Evoke EEG, or genetic analysis (MTHFR, COMT, APOE4), and more.

  3. Your personalized action plan - Based on your results and a close look at your history, we work with you to develop a plan to improve and protect your brain health and cognition. This might include meeting with one of our functional nutritionists, specific supplements, neurofeedback, IV nutrition therapy, lifestyle adjustments, sleep tips, and stress management. We may also refer you to a member of our specialized wellness team or an appropriate medical specialist.