Heal the heart and optimize your metabolic health.

A healthy heart and metabolism are critical to your well-being.

The heart pumps oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and our metabolic function determines how well we can process energy. A dysfunction in either system can lead to serious issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease.

Because of this, we take a very proactive approach to heart health and metabolism. We don’t wait until there’s a diagnosable problem before suggesting targeted lifestyle changes to drastically reduce your risk of a future cardiac event or metabolic condition. We also have specialized protocols to help treat and reverse existing conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

Common metabolic symptoms

Cardiometabolic symptoms can show up in many different ways:

  • Metabolic syndrome is a collection of symptoms including: elevated fasting blood glucose levels, elevated blood pressure, elevated blood triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, excess visceral fat around the abdomen.

    High blood pressure might cause headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

  • Diabetes may lead to frequent urination, increased thirst, and blurred vision.

  • High cholesterol, which increases risk of heart disease, can develop without any noticeable symptoms.

Note: Any of the above can develop without any noticeable symptoms.

Here’s some of the most common cardiometabolic diagnoses and symptoms we treat:

  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • Type 2 Diabetes

  • High cholesterol

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Fatigue

  • Sleep Apnea

  • Stubborn weight

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Frequent urination

  • Increased thirst

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

  • Gout

  • Low testosterone

How we take care of your heart and metabolism

  1. Explore the root cause - First, we get a complete picture of your heart health. This involves learning about you and really listening to your history, specific symptoms, lifestyle, diet, etc.

  2. Specialized testing - We’ll dig deeper with advanced testing which may include comprehensive blood work, adrenal testing, Evoke EEG, and potential imaging. The results of these tests in combination with what we learned your symptoms and history will inform your personalized action plan.

  3. Your personalized action plan - We work with you to create a plan to optimize your cardiometabolic health (no matter what state it’s in right now). This might include meeting with one of our functional nutritionists, specific supplements, lifestyle adjustments, sleep tips, IV nutritional therapy, and stress management. We may also refer you to a member of our specialized wellness team or an appropriate medical specialist. We’ll continue to check in with how you are feeling to ensure we’re making progress in the right direction.