Holly Zink, MS, CNS, LDN

I became passionate about the healing power of food after I was able to heal myself with diet and lifestyle changes. My career began in infectious disease research and diagnostic development. This led me to value lifesaving technology in conventional medicine while recognizing its limitations for supporting the body’s ability to heal from chronic conditions. I went back to school and changed the course of my career so I could help others take control of their health.  I consider nutrition to be a foundational piece of healing and supporting health throughout our lives. 

I’m thrilled to join the compassionate team at CIH, who are committed to finding and addressing the root cause of health concerns. Prior to joining the team, I owned a family nutrition practice. Through that experience I found that nutrition changes were not sustainable until patients worked on mindset as well. I prioritize a healthy relationship with food while also using nutrition as a therapeutic tool. I don’t label food “good” or “bad”, but I will educate you in understanding the ways that food is information for our bodies. I also have strong interests in nutrition for mental, behavioral, and cognitive health.  

When I’m not working, you can find me gardening, hiking with my kids, trying out new recipes, and making art. 

Location: CIH Potomac Office

Education And Certification

Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist, Maryland Board of Dietetic Practice, 2021

Certified Nutrition Specialist, Board of Certified Nutrition Specialists, 2020

Maryland University of Integrative Health, MS, Nutrition and Integrative Health, 2019

University of Maryland, Baltimore, MS, Molecular Medicine, 2008

Stevenson University, BS, Biology, 2002


Holly Zink Nutrition, Owner/Nutrition Consultant, 2019-2021

Natural Care Center, MUIH, Clinical Nutrition Intern, 2018-2019